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I LOVE food.  I love to cook and to bake.  I worked in the corporate world for over 30 years in the technology sector, always baking "on the side". This was for pleasure; pleasure for me - and I hope pleasure for others.  I would seek out reasons to bring in food to share - this sharing evolved into establishing an unofficial office cookie day (Thursdays) where our transient office benefitted to a higher physical turnout when LT's chocolate chip cookies became a Thursday tradition.   Thursdays were renamed to "Cookie Day".

I’m thinking I am a baker at heart.



How about starting your own office cookie day; meeting treats; or office achievement/birthday celebration?  I would love to work with you on your get-together.  

Trays of cookies and treats are awesome not only for birthdays;  bridal/baby showers and just "Have a Great Day" gatherings!!!!!


I will never sell or use and will protect any personal information I receive.  I use third-party banking to verify payment, and will contact you after your purchase is completed successfully.

Your privacy is of the highest importance to my business.



- Credit / Debit Cards
- Offline Credit Payments

- Checks

- Cash

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